Mrs.Christy Powell - Visual Arts

 Advanced Art

Mrs. Powell


Welcome to Advanced Art ! The beginning of the 2020-2021 School Year is going to be a new experience for all of us. Therefore, I have modified my syllabus to reflect the expectations and requirements for this upcoming school year. I look forward to working with you and I am absolutely positive that you will enjoy this class and develop your skill as an artist!


                   Check in to  this course daily and on time = Attendance

                   Check Schoology messages daily

                   Check out our course CALENDAR in Schooology for deadlines.

                   Adhere to all deadlines.

                   Be attentive during class instruction and/or discussion. No cell phone use during this time. 

Classroom Expectations: Welcome to Advanced Art. As a member of this class you are expected to listen to directions, be respectful of one another and use common sense and care when working with materials. You are expected to follow the Code of Conduct for SDHS, as well as, Worcester County. If you exhibit behavior that is disruptive to class, your behavior will be noted and taken care of according to school policy.Generally, each distance learning class period will require that you check in to class via Schoology, Zoom and/or Team meeting platforms. I will then take attendance and begin instruction for the day. 


 Mixed Media Sketchbook (size 9x12)
      2-Fine point sharpies
8 Pack Fine Tip Water Soluble Markers
Number 6 round studio paint brush
  No: 2 Pencils - Erasers
 General's® Charcoal Pencil Kit
Pencil Sharpener    
          12 Pack of colored pencils ( or more)    
   County Issued IPad w/pencil

Course Description: In this course you will advance your study of art and emphasis will be placed on refining techniques, developing a personal style, medium specialization and portfolio presentation. Your goal will be to develop a portfolio and create a body of work that represents your growth as an artist. Works may be of a variety of mediums and/or subject matter.  You will use your IPad to plan, practice, revise and experiment. Your sketchbook will serve as a journal , a notebook and the paper that may be needed for a final composition. When it is necessary I will provide you with certain materials and paper. If you plan on enrolling in AP Art and Design, work completed in this course may be used for completion of the portfolio requested for Advanced Placement  Art and Design.

 Grading Procedures:  All your studio and classwork assignments will be graded on a point system. You will be expected to work daily at home and during class time and hand in required projects when requested. Observational Drawing Homework will be assigned Bi-weekly and it is your responsibility to complete each assignment on time.**

Studio Assignments-You are expected to work daily and hand in your assignments by the given deadline. Late work will not be accepted, unless you have an excused absence. You will be expected to complete any unfinished work outside of class or after school. If your projects are extremely late points will be deducted from the final assignment. Remember portfolio development is essential to this class; therefore, you need to be constantly aware of deadlines and work in a timely fashion. You selected this class because you are someone who loves creativity and art, therefore do not waste your time. Cell phones can be a great tool for research or they can be a major setback in your creativity and artistic abilities. Do not waste time using your phone for anything other than reference or research.  Excuses for not working on a daily basis will not be accepted and your grade will suffer.

           Classwork, Quizzes and Tests: Throughout this course you can expect to complete classwork pertaining to information dealing with various lessons. Classwork will consist of taking notes in your journal when needed, pre-planning art assignments, written reflections on various artists and critiques. Some units may require and brief quiz and prior to the exam you will have a test. There is a final exam worth 20% of your final grade.

To say the least this school year is going to be different for all of us. Please be prepared for class, be in attendance, follow classroom expectations and complete assignments on time. This course is designed to assist you in developing a portfolio and develop your artistic skill.  Your sketchbook and  IPad will serve as your notebook for this class.  As this course progresses throughout the semester I will help you organize you classwork, design work and photo assignments . In this class you must be very responsible, organized and aware of deadlines and always remember to contact me with any questions you or your parents may have. As I stated earlier, I am absolutely positive that you will meet with great success in this class!



Advanced Art Homework Ideas**


Directions: Drawing from observation is a very important component of learning how to see, record and become a better artist. Below you will find a list of several different observational drawing activities. 


Spend 1 to 1 1/2 hours on your drawing assignments.

Include correct proportion, line, value, texture and any other element or principle which will contribute to the  50 point value of the assignment.

A grouping of seashells
A single flower with all its leaves, etc.
A cluttered place close-up
A pile of dishes sitting on the sink
Your favorite food with the wrapper included, and product showing
A close up set of 3-5 pieces of popped popcorn
A close up of the various pieces from a game, the board, box, etc.
A set of keys and a couple other items from your pocket or purse
Your shoes or sandals (off your feet)
Your sunglasses and what they reflect
Your digital camera with the last image showing
Your computer from an angle you do not usually view it, cords and all
A view out a window of your choice (with motion or still) showing inside and out
A shiny Christmas ornament and the view it reflects
A magnifying glass and what it is magnifying as well as the space around it that is unmagnified
A grouping of photographs of you, your family or friends in collage form

A single object of choice drawn from several views with significantly different light sources in each view

Please consider that this list serves as a catalyst for your imagination if you can come up with a assignment that is equally as challenging SEE ME before you begin and we will discuss your idea


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